There are a couple of aspects to this. First, it is important to understand that all workers, when they arrive in Canada, if they don't directly have access to provincial and territorial health systems, must be provided with coverage by the employer to bridge any gap. There are often waiting periods. You'll see that in many provinces, such as Ontario and British Columbia, they've extended coverage for workers arriving at day one.
We've talked about what happens during the quarantine period and what happens after. The federal responsibility is for the quarantine period. That being said, following the quarantine period all workers do have access to provincial health care. Employers are required to maintain their responsibility to provide suitable housing when workers get sick and to ensure that they are self-isolated. They must contact the local health authorities so that they have access to the right care.
The responsibility for the employer will need to be maintained and supported throughout the stay of the worker. We continue to work with all the partners to ensure that those elements are working well together. It needs to happen throughout the stay. From what I've seen from the current situations, the health authorities are doing their role, employers are collaborating and the workers are getting the health care they need.