I think The Globe and Mail said something about procurement being a Wild West in China, with a lot of actors all chasing the same thing. What can you do to reassure us that we Canadians aren't being the nice guys too much?
I've lived and worked in a lot of other different countries and I have this picture that must have happened to me of waiting faithfully in line for a bus to come, and as soon as the bus came, everyone crowded around and jammed through the door, and I kind of stood there and waited. By the second time, you obviously figure out that the only way you're going to get on that bus is to fight your way onto it.
I have this notion and worry that as Canadians, we're doing all the right things and we're playing by the rules in China, and we're getting outbid and outfought for what we need. Can you reassure the front-line health care workers that we're in there duking it out with everyone else?