Yes. P.E.I., for example, has had to establish some new crisis call lines. They didn't have crisis lines they could turn to, so CMHA P.E.I. is expanding its services. Woodstock has found that its calls are up 50%, so they are repurposing staff there. Moose Jaw has also opened up a new crisis line. People are either upgrading what they have or repurposing people or adding new crisis lines in order to deal with the demand.
I think there was an initial surge in the first couple of weeks. From what I understand, it has died down a little bit, but I've been struck by the discussion this afternoon about the second wave. We do know these things come in waves, in surges. We are concerned about having enough support to provide meaningful care for people beyond a brief phone call and to be able to deliver services virtually.
A lot of the programs that people are used to going to, such as group recovery programs, one-on-one counselling or drop-in centres, have all been taken away. We've had to act very quickly to try to virtualize our services, if you will. We'll need some more support to do that and meet the demand.