Thank you all for being here today. I appreciate that. Your comments have been greatly appreciated.
Many groups have presented to us, and one of the common things I'm hearing is that we weren't prepared.
Mr. Wilkins, you talked about proper steps not being taken right from the start.
Mr. Stamatakis, your comments were about communication and that things haven't been put out there. It appears that we have silos, but these silos aren't communicating such that everything is put out at the same time for everybody.
That obviously is challenging when we look at the Public Health Agency. I appreciate your comments on the history of how we've developed to where we are today, but we need to be ahead of the game, and a lot of times we are actually reacting instead of being proactive in what we do.
Mr. Tanguy, my first question is for you.
We've heard many times that within the health care sector, one of the biggest barriers to addressing COVID-19 is a lack of information or a lack of transparency from the provinces and territories with respect to data. Has Public Safety identified any issues with obtaining data from the provinces so that preparations and precautions can be scaled to the severity of the situation in each jurisdiction?