Thank you.
I'd like to continue my discussions again around the PHAC group and Public Safety.
I think we all admit that we are facing an unprecedented pandemic. At one time or another there might be the accusation that we were overplanning, had we not been faced with a situation such as this.
Have we had any preliminary learnings, both from Public Health and Public Safety, that will allow us to course-correct as we go through?
Following that, how often do both of those groups and other groups get together and have an integrated approach to an emergency situation? An example is municipalities that are mandated every year to undertake a mock emergency. Are those types of exercises taken across departments or provinces?
When is there a plan to do a post-implementation evaluation, a post-crisis and after-action review?
I'll let you deal with all three questions. I'm more concerned about what we are doing for the next time rather than pointing fingers at what wasn't done.
I'll start with Public Health.