I'm not aware of, and can't answer the question about all of the data that's needed for the vaccine research development. Maybe our VIDO colleagues could address that. I would say that the PHAC and the provincial health labs have been working together for a number of years and have created frameworks in which they make the data available, not only globally but across each other, and they share it on a very rapid basis.
Some of that, obviously, is important for the vaccine development. Certainly, genomics data has a long history of being made available publicly as quickly as possible. For instance, when the SARS sequence was done at the genome sciences centre in Vancouver, it was immediately released into the public. That is the model that is also proposed for our project in which we are sequencing the viral genomes from up to 150,000 individuals infected in Canada. That will go as rapidly as possible into the public domain, and certainly will be available for use by vaccine researchers.