With regard to the access to masks and other equipment, from a trucking industry perspective, and quite frankly from every sector's perspective, it's a challenge. This doesn't mean the challenge isn't being met, but it's a challenge. Gloves aren't necessarily the big issue. Masks, depending on the quality of mask or the type of mask specifically, can be a challenge, as can be hand sanitizer.
With regard to specific government action at the federal level, CBSA is trying to secure masks for every truck driver who shows up at the border not wearing a face covering. That's very much appreciated.
Obviously that's a short-term measure, and that's why this committee has been struck at the federal level. How do we as a supply chain, not just in trucking but everyone, secure masks going forward? It's not just about securing them, either. Obviously some folks in the supply chain have been price gouging, and you heard the federal government and various premiers speak out against it. I can tell you that we've experienced price gouging. A typical mask of the highest quality would cost, pre-COVID-19, around $2. It can get upwards of $15 to $20 a mask now.
There are challenges, but as I said, we're working through them.