Right. That can also be done in private. I think that's a wonderful suggestion. Obviously it's working here in B.C. Those standards obviously could apply to both private and public. That's awesome. I appreciate that answer.
Because my time is really limited, I'd like to go to Mr. Lemaire.
First of all, I'm so glad to hear that the government has finally announced support for farmers. As a farmer myself, it has been utterly heartbreaking to watch the despair my farm friends have been experiencing for the last few months as they face the impending bankruptcy. It's been hard. I do pray this will not turn out to be too little too late for this industry.
Due to COVID-19, the government has shut down business across the country. The consequence of this forced shutdown is the need for the government to replace lost incomes. These programs are designed to encourage people to stay home, which, during a pandemic, is a really good thing.
With the current situation and disincentive to work, how should the government adapt these programs, as we get this country back up and running, to encourage workers to go back to work, especially in the farming industry?