Currently, the evidence is building in regards to what the long-term effects are going to be. There's going to be a multi-tiered response or an expectation of that. If they have had mild symptoms, probably at the end of the day, probably not a lot of damage. But there's a potential for the patients who get admitted to hospital and ultimately go to intensive care units and are put on ventilators to develop some long-term consequences.
Currently in Canada and around the world we are trying to carefully follow these patients in clinics after their discharge from hospital, seeing what the natural history or the progression of this disease is going to be. Once they get discharged from hospital, at least in our institutions, a lung specialist will follow up on them longitudinally, taking a look at their lung function over time.
The question is uncertain at this point. I think the length of stay in the ICU, the type of care they get in the ICU for complications they develop in the ICU will all impact the expectations we have.