Thank you very much for that very important question. I certainly would hope that, as I wrote in my article, SARS was really a wake-up call, and I think that COVID-19 is now seen as a clarion call.
I think what you have to look at is the power that's given to the Public Health Agency. When I used the word “council”, I pointed out that it would be important for the person who's head of the Public Health Agency to have access to cabinet and to present his or her views as to the state of our nation in terms of a pandemic.
At this moment I feel that it's a bit too bureaucratic. It is reporting to a number of people, when in fact we know that in Ottawa the decisions are really made at cabinet. I used the word “council" hoping that in this situation—and it's only in this situation because of the model that we would have—this person could actually be reporting to the Deputy Prime Minister through a committee that would be established at cabinet to discuss a pandemic or any major challenge that would be coming up rather than just staying in their offices and looking at what is being done.
The other thing is that the sharing of information and delegating of powers that there should be between the provinces and Ottawa, in my view, needs to be worked at and needs to be reviewed as we go forward.
I don't know if I've answered your question.