Mr. Fisher, I can't imagine us going back. I can't imagine the public would be satisfied going back.
Ms. Jansen mentioned it a few minutes ago. I think we're going to have to learn to manage how much risk we're willing to take on. When nurse Mike is on the phone talking to someone in the public, what is the balance of “I can't see you, so I can't tell,” but now we can see you? We're doing it right now.
The public has learned to work like this. Offices are closed and the country has sort of shut down, but society has gone on with great communication. When we ran the national expert commission almost 10 years ago, I can remember one of our business leaders saying, “Why do you people spend so much time trying to describe a wound when we all have a camera that we could show the doctor and click it?”
We've made that leap and I can't imagine now that the public, or even doctors and nurses, will want to go back.