Fair enough.
Now, in a Global Affairs Canada media release that went out yesterday, I think, this was stated:
The Government of Canada has chartered a plane that is standing by. It will land in Hanoi...and deploy to Wuhan, where the airspace is currently closed, once the Government of China has given authorization to land.
The release also said that “[w]ork is...underway to comply with other Chinese requirements, including providing manifest details in advance of the flight departure and further documentation on the Canadians wishing to depart”.
My research, unless I'm mistaken, is that right now, as we speak, the United States, the United Kingdom, Australia, Japan, France, Indonesia and Germany have already begun the process of actually evacuating their citizens. My question would be, why has the Government of Canada failed to secure those necessary requirements? Why is it taking us longer than our allies to comply with these requirements?