Thank you, Alice.
You've identified that COVID-19 looks different depending on whether you are living alone, living with somebody or living in long-term care. We need to look at that.
Long-term care is a big focus of COVID, and we've spent a lot of time talking about it. There are definitely changes that need to be made, but we cannot forget the home care piece, what that needs to look like and how robust that needs to be. Then we need to look at the piece that is about the seniors who live alone and how we are going to keep them connected to the non-health services they need, because if we don't, they are going to develop health care needs.
We can step back, maybe not today but in a few weeks or months, and take a look at what really has happened here across a broad spectrum of seniors and their needs and what it is that requires federal leadership in order to effect the kinds of changes that are needed.
That would be a very good way for the federal government to approach it.