We've actually been documenting everything for 20 years: how to run establishments, manage people, supervise staff and so on. Staffing comes up a lot, but supervision is really important. Henry Mintzberg, himself, says that people with little training need supervision in order to do their jobs. Staff members need encouragement, guidance and direction in carrying out their duties.
The idea behind the bill is to introduce a minimum level of care and services, which would be based on the type of establishment where people were admitted. No one could operate a public or private seniors' residence that provided care and services below the prescribed standard. They wouldn't be allowed to; it would be prohibited. What's more, the institution should be subject to oversight.
How many times have we told the government that it's delusional to think everything will be fine if the necessary oversight and checks aren't performed, no matter how many measures it implements in the health care system? People are granted licences to operate these public and private establishments, but terrible things happen and, in some cases, people who don't know what they're doing make their way in.