Thank you.
Dr. Schabas, you wanted a chance to explain, so I'm going to put a few things to you. After SARS, you wrote, “In the unlikely event of another SARS outbreak in Canada, public health officials should quarantine no one.” Now, our current pandemic is a SARS outbreak. The virus is SARS-CoV-2. We fought it mainly with lockdown and quarantine. My first question is, are you standing by your extraordinary statement that we should quarantine no one?
Before I get to that, I want to contrast that. In 1990, when you were Ontario's chief medical officer, you classified HIV as a virulent disease, which is the worst category of characterization, and you recommended that we forcibly confine people with HIV who may have had sex with someone else, even if they used a condom and even if they disclosed that to their partner.
My final piece, before I let you answer, is that you said that we should treat this more like the 1957 flu, but the fatality rate in the 1957 flu was about 0.1%, which is about one-twelfth that of COVID-19.
Throwing all those together, can you help me understand your point of view?