We're doing a couple of things. Through our community response table, we have a group working on domestic violence. That group is also linked with our community safety and well-being team. In that team a group of community agencies have come together. They are working actively on domestic violence. Through our agency partnerships, we are providing on-the-ground support to anyone who comes forward with those issues. A campaign is also in the works to ensure that we're capturing as many of those cases that may exist across the Peel region.
While Peel is a funder of some of those community agencies, we truly are working through those community agencies to get to the community and to those residents who need our help. We're also working with the Peel Regional Police. They too are part of the community safety and well-being group.
We're really trying to build a web of support. Even with this group, it really depends on what residents' needs are. We're trying to look at how we can provide for needs based on individual cases as opposed to blanket support.