That's probably the $1-billion question.
It is very challenging. The only way that we've been able to create surge capacity is by reducing elective and scheduled activity. Of course, that has a very deleterious effect on all of the people on wait-lists for surgeries. In particular, they're not necessarily people who are waiting because of what we would all recognize as life-threatening conditions, such as cancer or cardiac, but, absolutely, those who are waiting for hip and knee replacements and various types of surgeries that are considered “elective”, but which create undue hardship and pain for people while they're on the wait-list. Unfortunately, those have been the ways that all hospitals across Canada have found their surge capacities. That's very challenging.
Remember, as well, that hospitals struggle with something called ALC, alternative level of care, patients. Typically, these are patients who are waiting for admission to long-term care homes and others. With all the long-term care homes having outbreaks, we have a bit of a double whammy going on right now.