I can speak to the Ottawa Hospital but also Ontario. I think Ontario, as you pointed out, with our experience with SARS, was perhaps better prepared than some of our counterparts in that we've been planning this for about 15 years. We've had practice runs, be it with H1N1.
What we're doing for the second wave, which may or may not come, is that we continue with our preparation in ensuring that there's an adequate amount of PPE, personal protective equipment, for us. There are additional ventilators coming in almost weekly, so we have that.
I'm working with counterparts in other areas to see how we can work together with it. It has actually been a very positive experience, seeing the co-operation between all the sites. I think that's something Canadians should take some solace in knowing. We're working on that.
We're revising our protocols and practices with it, and we're sharing along the lines of what's going on internationally, which was being advocated by Dr. Nickerson. We are certainly doing that in Ontario and working with that.
We're also trying to develop ways to identify when perhaps a second wave is beginning. We're looking for measures and signals such that we would be able to prepare quickly but not impact other health care, as seemed to happen in the first wave.