It's a big question.
We are a medical care organization that employs physicians, nurses and public health specialists. These are people who are incredibly adept at responding to public health crises as they occur in the field. We're no stranger to public health emergencies and outbreaks.
I can tell you what our response has been in terms of trying to evaluate and keep track of the emerging evidence. We have teams of medical processionals with expertise in this area who are putting together guidelines and trying to keep track of the evolving recommendations that are coming out. We are all learning as we go through this. I think there is great value in having coordinated voices and having clear guidance from public health officials around the world.
I think that my key message in all of this is simply to say that the evidence is emerging. It's evolving, and we're all doing our best, trying to read articles in The Lancet and other medical journals as they emerge and appear.