Thank you, Mr. Chair.
I'd like to thank all the witnesses for their testimony, which will help us in the search for solutions.
Mr. Powlowski asked a short question that I wanted to ask, since Dr. Quach-Thanh and Dr. Tremblay, when they came here, told us that they found the decision of the Montreal authorities not to impose the wearing of masks in public places and on public transportation unjustified. So you have answered that question. I'm going to ask a slightly longer question.
As you said earlier, we don't know much about this virus yet. It was discussed at our meeting on April 15 as well. We still don't have a vaccine or antiviral drugs. Our country is still not self-sufficient. Screening strategies are variable and traceability is relative. So, as you said, we are condemned to managing time and space through the use of mitigation measures.
On your last visit, you expressed concern about misguided deconfinement and the effects it could have on a second wave. You stressed the urgency of restarting the health care system in the quieter interim period, to care for patients who do not have COVID-19. The radiologists talked about this earlier. You also insisted that we prepare for a second wave by creating a better seal between hot and cold zones.
Do we have a plan or a strategy? Where are we now? Are we ready for the fall? Is there a strategy or action plan that would allow us to be proactive rather than reactive? That seems to me to be key going forward.