I see that our conversation about this will not be a quick one.
You have come to tell us that you want the borders reopened and travel restrictions and quarantine measures relaxed. But we know that 50% of community spread comes from individuals who are not showing, or have yet to show, any symptoms.
You say you can guarantee safe travel, but the mere fact of travelling carries a risk of spread. You say that you can open corridors in countries where infection rates are acceptable or low, but you still need to know whether these countries have adequate detection and screening.
Detection is certainly essential and I will give you an example. At the beginning of the crisis, we focused on mainland China, which had already put measures in place. But many people from Quebec went to Europe and when they came back, Quebec ended up having quite a few more cases than elsewhere in Canada.
So what is your plan and how can you ensure that reopening borders and easing travel restrictions and quarantine measures will still allow us to deal with a second wave of the virus?