I think one of the members asked about travel bans, stopping people from actually travelling.
The reason the World Health Organization doesn't recommend something like this is that, in general, it may do more harm than good. I think someone mentioned what the United States was doing. If you stop traffic entirely, there are a number of issues.
The international community must come together in solidarity to contain. Having measures that very negatively affect a certain country that's trying very hard to do its best can impede whether this country in the future will ever share anything transparently with others. China posted the virus genome very quickly. What are they getting out of it? I think the idea is to support China.
Obviously, the number of flights has already been reduced, because nobody is actually going to China, but Canada has not closed its borders. It's using these layers of measures to screen people coming in, in order to keep movement across the border.
The other thing is that if you're going to support China's efforts, then medical aid, such as teams or supplies such as masks, gowns or something else, must continue to flow.
For all those reasons, the World Health Organization will never recommend doing that, except in very exceptional circumstances. As I said, the border measures that are most effective are at source, in China.