Yes. I said at the beginning I worked with the World Health Organization for a long time. I think a good friend of the World Health Organization is a good friend. A good friend will tell you when you're wrong, but they won't try to blame you, tear you down, defund you, withdraw their membership or get you in the middle of geopolitical struggles between superpowers. That's not what the world needs right now.
We need constructive engagement with the World Health Organization. It's not perfect. We can make it better, but we don't want to tear it down. Anybody who thinks that the solution is to say, “My country would have done great if the WHO had only done this”.... That can't be the real world. Anybody who says we don't need a world health organization.... When you think of not just COVID-19, but polio eradication, safe childbirth, mental health, injury prevention and non-communicable diseases, you see these diseases are still there. We need a WHO to be more robust when we come out of it, not weakened.