No, in our opinion, it hasn't. Our concerns remain the same. Our biggest driver in this industry is making sure that Canadians, patients, have access to the medicines they need. It sounds like a cliché, but there is no business without that outcome.
What we are seeing is, again, the uncertainty and the lack of balance between cost-containment initiatives and a drive for investment in this country, which is affecting the global desire to invest in this country. The companies are very aware of sustainability issues in health systems, but they need a viable business model to bring their products into this country. They're quite, and increasingly, reluctant to bring new, innovative products for clinical trials, as an example. We've seen a reduction of up to 50% in clinical trials since the regulations were brought in. Ethically, they understand that these drugs may not be available to those Canadians, given the regulations that will, at this point in time, come into play on the first of January.