Thank you for the question, Mr. Kelloway, and thank you for mentioning this recognition we received.
We do different things. First, it's all part of our mission. Medtronic Canada's mission was written 60 years ago by its founder, Earl E. Bakken, and it's all about that. It's essentially about making sure that we can relieve pain, prolong life and restore health to patients.
We are obviously very close to patients, and we see in a very real way the effect of our technologies on their health. This inspires our employees and gives meaning to what we do in practice. Often, employees tell us that when they go through a bit of a difficult or discouraging time, they remember this mission and the impact it has on patients. Sometimes even patients who benefit from our technology come and tell us firsthand about the benefits of our technology. That obviously has a big impact on all of us at Medtronic Canada.