Let's see if we can get two done in a day, Mr. Chair. Wouldn't that be something?
Let's move on to the motion with regard to interim order. I'll read it out for you and, Mr. Chair, just so you're clear, I've already amended the dates as we had agreed to with the other motion, so I'll read it with the amended dates.
It reads, “Pursuant to Standing Order 108(1)(a), the committee send for the following documents to be provided by the government by Monday, August 31, 2020, and that the documents be published publicly on the committee's website by Monday, September 7, 2020.
“All documents, briefing notes, memorandums and emails to/from/between Health Canada, the Public Health Agency of Canada, and the Privy Council Office related to the March 18, 2020, interim order by the Minister of Health entitled “Interim Order Respecting the Importation and Sale of Medical Devices For Use in Relation to COVID-19” and the March 30, 2020, interim order by the Minister of Health entitled “Interim Order Respecting Drugs, Medical Devices and Foods for a Special Dietary Purpose in Relation to COVID-19”.”