Thank you, Mr. Chair.
I want to start by stating that I think there's a very strong message from Canadians that they understand the COVID-19 public health issue to be one that is completely non-partisan. I think they want to see all politicians working together. In my province of British Columbia, I think Dr. Bonnie Henry and health minister Adrian Dix have done an outstanding job in working across party lines, delivering information to the public and striking exactly the right tone of being calm yet conveying accurate information.
It needs to be said that the same thing could be said about you, Dr. Tam, and you, Minister Hajdu. Maybe we don't say this in politics enough, but I want to thank you for the leadership you've shown. I know that this has been a very trying time, and I think all Canadians are very proud of the way that our health care system has responded.
You may not have been as quick to pick up on the sage advice of the New Democrats as we would like, but we're going to continue to offer you the best information that we can. I want to say thank you. We appreciate your work.
Minister, what are your projections for mild, moderate and severe outbreak in Canada?