I would like to direct my questions to the witnesses whom I'd like to answer, please. We have very limited time.
I'm disappointed by your answer, Mr. Lucas. I asked you a very specific question about what gaps the provinces told you about and their extent. I think Canadians have a right to know that information.
I'm going to turn to something else. On March 27 in The Globe and Mail, Dr. David Naylor, professor of medicine at the University of Toronto, wrote the following:
However, we could be far better informed. Our rate of testing has accelerated, but the coverage is still well below that needed to give an accurate picture of the epidemic. Thousands of test results have been backlogged at various times, leading to intermittent and confusing spikes in case counts, even as tardy delivery of provincial case reports to the Public Health Agency of Canada has blurred our view of national outbreak demographics.
This was written four days ago.
To the Public Health Agency of Canada, is that an accurate assessment by Dr. Naylor?