Thank you very much, Mr. Chair.
First of all, I'd like to say that I'm glad we're having this meeting. Today, I will not try to find those responsible, or guilty parties. We have to manage a crisis and it will take everyone's efforts to get through this.
I also want to recognize the outstanding work that front-line responders do, whether they are hospital workers or people who respond to multiple requests. I would also like to acknowledge the work of all of my colleagues in the House who work on the front lines. Indeed, we have become front-line responders so that together we can get through this crisis, a deadly global pandemic.
That being said, the analyses of when and how we should have done this or that can be done in due course. Count on us to do those analyses. However, today, in the face of a pandemic of this nature, we need to work on our ability to respond to the threat. Many people are calling us from different places. In different parts of Quebec, entrepreneurs and people are ready to push forward to provide what is called personal protective equipment. I would like to know what we are doing to speed up these projects. It would be important to have specific answers on this subject.
There are people who can serve parts of the territory. In Quebec, we try to promote local purchasing. If suppliers are able to supply regions with materials, I think we should encourage that, notwithstanding today's announcements about large orders, the delivery of masks, and so on. I'm talking about other types of supplies, such as disinfectant.
I would like the answer to be addressed to the entrepreneurs who are waiting for an answer in order to be able to contribute to the fight against the current crisis and to help their compatriots. That's my first question.