Thank you for the question.
As has been raised during previous appearances at the committee, Canada was approached, as were a number of other countries, by China for assistance in the context of China responding to the crisis that was happening in the country. In the context of Canada's response, there were supplies made available, but I believe there were supplies beyond simply what the federal government offered in the context of the request that was made. That is something I do not necessarily have the details on.
In the context of the request that was made to the federal government, at that point in time it was very clear that there was a direct benefit to Canada to respond in a positive way. Every effort was being extended within China to contain the virus and what was happening on the ground. From a Canadian perspective, that was very important, in the sense that any effort that could be made to limit the exportation of cases to the rest of the world was directly of benefit to all countries, including Canada.
Canada's donation was positioned in the context of being helpful to a country that was in crisis, but there was also a broader benefit to Canada as well as to the rest of the world.