I appreciate some of the candour of Mr. Clark. I don't go around looking for fights with anybody. Let me do an analogy. Among other things, as well as being a patient and a patient advocate, I'm also a recovering politician. I'm not unfamiliar with the question of politicians looking for funding for campaigns. We all have to govern ourselves with integrity when we seek and accept money for political campaigns. I don't think that's unique to municipal politics or to provincial. It applies to all levels. One has to be careful about that. I think Mr. Clark might want to....
I would look forward to a face-to-face conversation with Mr. Clark so that we could exchange, in a full and frank way, perspectives. I think he was unfair to many patient advocates and many patient organizations. I appreciate his candour on another point. He did acknowledge the PMPRB has not done a study of the impact on research and development of the proposed new rules. I submit to this committee that this warrants or is cause to pause and reflect before going full steam ahead and changing four different things at the same time.