I wanted to follow up on Mr. Davies' question.
Mr. Alibhai, said that in the last couple of years there's been a significant drop in the number of new drugs either asking for approval from Health Canada or coming on the market. He's also said that, in the last couple of years, there's been a significant decrease in the number of drugs that are in clinical trials in Canada, and he either said or implied this was a result of the uncertainty arising from the proposed changes to the Patented Medicine Prices Review Board. He can correct me if I'm wrong on that.
I'm not a big opponent of pharmaceutical companies. I realize that, in order to encourage research, pharmaceutical companies have to be able to recoup their cost of the development of new drugs, but I'm sorry. With the decreased number of drugs getting on the market and the fact that there are drugs being approved elsewhere that aren't even being brought before Health Canada for approval, and you're not bringing your drugs to Canada for clinical trials, it looks to me like you're holding sick Canadians for ransom because you want to prevent these new changes from going through in the Patented Medicine Prices Review Board. I have to say this is not a pretty picture for the pharmaceutical companies.