Thank you very much for this opportunity, Mr. Chair.
The COVID-19 pandemic has contributed to an ongoing and expanding mental health crisis for Canadians and for the systems, institutions and professionals that provide mental health care across the country. The mental health impacts of the pandemic are both pervasive and severe, and, as always, the most vulnerable people are suffering the most.
I trust that we all recognize the truth in those statements and recognize that the rates of anxiety, depression, addictions and other mental health conditions have been on the rise. Rather than reciting specific statistics today, I hope to advocate for practical, inexpensive measures that we can implement now to make a significant and sustainable impact on Canada’s ability to address this mental health crisis and the ones that follow.
While I am the executive vice-president of medical services and chief of staff for Homewood Health, a national organization providing mental health and addictions care, I am also a member of the board of examiners for the Royal College of Physicians and Surgeons of Canada. I'm actively involved in undergraduate and postgraduate education within the Department of Psychiatry at McMaster University, and I am a practising psychiatrist with extensive experience in front-line in-patient and outpatient psychiatry.
With that background, I would like to speak about our front-line mental health workers. It’s not just our systems, institutions and resources that are stretched by the pandemic—it’s our people. At home, these people have been facing the same stressors as everyone else over the past year. In addition, they have been responsible for supporting those in need of intensive mental health supports while often being faced with increased risk of exposure to the virus on the front lines.
The pandemic has thus created a situation where our front-line mental health professionals—physicians, psychologists, nurses and other clinical staff—the people supporting our most vulnerable citizens and our exhausted medical professionals and essential workers, are also burning out at record rates. The result is that there are fewer qualified mental health professionals left to care for a growing number of patients. This has led to significant gaps in care and more burnout. I see it every day. In addition to the overall shortage of these professionals, these vital resources are distributed inequitably across the country. These individuals tend to practise more in urban areas and in certain provinces over others.
Concurrently, we are rightfully doing more to encourage people to seek help. Wellness Together Canada, for example, is serving thousands of Canadians and provides easy-to-access virtual and telephonic services within a stepped care model offering anything from peer support to short-term counselling based on an individual’s unique needs.
Unfortunately, experience gained over the course of this pandemic has further highlighted what many of us already knew: that the needs of many individuals cannot be fully met within the current system and that there is critically limited access to higher-level mental health practitioners, specifically psychologists and psychiatrists. Across the country, the availability of psychiatrists is particularly limited. There is a desperate need for these professionals, who are uniquely qualified to diagnose and treat those with more severe forms of mental illness through utilization of evidence-based psychotherapies, measurement-based care and, at times, medications.
What can we do? There are certain things we can do from an organizational level, but larger systemic change and national support are needed. In the long term, we can commit to making historic investments in mental health. We can train more mental health professionals, and we can incorporate virtual care requirements into training programs. We can work towards these types of initiatives down the road, but we need practical strategies that we can implement now to address the current needs during this pandemic.
I have three suggestions.
First, we need to make it easier to deploy expertise where we need it by reducing barriers between provinces to make it easier for qualified mental health professionals to practise interprovincially. With clinicians and patients becoming increasingly comfortable with virtual care, a licensed practitioner should be able to help patients in Alberta, Ontario and Nova Scotia in a single afternoon.
Speaking from personal experience, even for a Canadian psychiatrist with full licensure in one province, the process of gaining licensure in another province is onerous and can take months. The process is similar for those in other disciplines who report to their own provincial colleges. I am in support of the recommendations of the Royal College’s virtual care task force report, which spoke of the idea of a pan-Canadian licence.
Second, along with increasing accessibility to secure virtual platforms, I believe we should provide financial incentives for those services we need most, specifically consultations and the provision of virtual care, particularly in the most under-serviced areas of our country. I would also suggest that this incentive not be contingent on the use of a specific online platform like OTN, as is the case in Ontario for physicians.
Third, we can streamline the process for allowing foreign-trained mental health professionals to practise in Canada. Even highly experienced psychiatrists who have completed all of their medical education in the United States face significant obstacles to practising in Canada. This process seems unnecessary and can sometimes take years to complete, all during a time when our national need for these professionals is skyrocketing.
As a country, we need to take better care of the people working on the front lines of our mental health system. To help them help their fellow Canadians, we need to act swiftly to enhance our professional capacity and give those professionals the flexibility to practice where we need them most. If we can reduce interprovincial barriers, if we can increase access to secure virtual platforms and provide additional incentives for the most-needed services, and if we can accelerate the process of putting qualified non-Canadians on the front line, we will be better prepared as a profession, a system and a nation to help the people who need our help most.
Thank you.