Thank you, Mr. Chair.
Let me start by thanking my colleagues for proposing that we continue this debate today after we've heard from witnesses on our second topic under the current study. Hopefully, everyone has had some time to think about what I proposed last week. I hope we can get to an agreement and continue to be productive in our roles as members of this committee.
With respect to the standing committees, House of Commons Procedure and Practice, third edition, 2017, chapter 20, page 979, indicates that each committee:
is given the power to examine and enquire into all such matters as the House may refer to it, to report from time to time and to print an appendix to any report, after the signature of the Chair, containing such opinions or recommendations, dissenting from the report or supplementary to it, as may be proposed by committee members.
On Friday, January 29, I proposed to you, my colleagues, that we committee members instruct the analysts to prepare an interim report on the topic on the impact of COVID-19 on the mental health of Canadians, based on the four meetings held on this topic as part of our current study.
We were instructed by the House to look into the emerging situation facing Canadians in the light of the second wave of COVID-19, to hear from Canadians across the country on the impact this has had on our lives and to study the government's response to the coronavirus pandemic. As such, our committee agreed to a plan. Each party would submit four topics in the study, in order of priority. Each topic would be examined, in turn, by priority on the following rotation: Liberal, Conservative, Bloc and NDP. We determined by majority the number of meetings per topic, with a minimum of one and a maximum of four meetings. Each party would be entitled to an equal number of witnesses.
Now, this is a SparkNotes or a Coles Notes version of it, but I'm sure the clerk, the analysts, or the appropriate person would be more than happy to send an email to all members with a reminder on what was agreed upon in this plan.
If I remember correctly, it was Mr. Davies who suggested our committee move forward in such a manner and moved the motion that outlined our current plan. Maybe he's able to give us a better summary of it than I am.
I do know, however, at that time I said it was a reasonable approach, and I still believe that to be the case. However, I have since come to realize that interim reports, as part of our study, will help, not hinder, as it was suggested on Friday, our ability to effectively work as members of the health committee in the pandemic.
I will once again quote our favourite book, this time on page 991:
In order to carry out their roles effectively, committees must be able to convey their findings to the House. The Standing Orders provide standing committees with the power to report to the House from time to time, which is generally interpreted as being as often as they wish.
As the Standing Committee on Health in the middle of a pandemic, I see creating interim reports on each topic of this current study as our duty to the House to the task we've been given, to our colleagues and to Canadians.
I want to be very clear because, perhaps, I wasn't on Friday. I'm proposing the analysts produce an interim report on the topic we had just finished. I'm not proposing that we stall witnesses on vaccine delivery or the ministers in front of the committee next week. I'm not proposing that we interrupt, impede or delay any of the meetings on the topic of vaccines or future topics. I want to remind you that all parties submitted the topic of vaccines as a priority.
I'm not asking analysts to take any time away from their work in the meetings on the topic of vaccines, or any future topic, to write an interim report. On Friday I asked our analysts their thoughts on this. The answer was clear, and I quote:
I think writing an interim report would be very helpful. It would help the committee to focus on what they heard during those first four meetings, and it takes the study in some easier to consume bites. We're fine to go ahead and start to draft an interim report. If the committee wishes, each of the members could submit what they hope to be in the report. That could be submitted through the clerk.
House of Commons Procedure and Practice is clear on reports. It says they “may be short documents of less than one page in length or...more substantial and separately bound works.” That is on page 990 if anyone would like to check.
I see no problem in our being able to provide our requests and recommendations in writing through the clerk. I am also not asking us “to be wasting meetings deliberating things like punctuation on a report that's not material to getting tools to end this pandemic.” I'm confident in our analysts' ability to punctuate properly, as well as to dot the i's and cross the t's. To question our analysts' ability to properly punctuate is offensive, as is insinuating that documenting our work is not material to getting tools to end this pandemic when it very clearly is the opposite.
It's unacceptable that one year, 36 meetings, 198 witnesses and 63 submitted briefs since our first committee meeting relating to COVID-19 we have not yet reported our findings and recommendations to the House.
Mr. Chair, and colleagues, I'm once again seeking agreement on how to find a way for our analysts to produce an interim report. We just wrapped up the meetings on one topic. Let's have an interim report on that. Once we wrap up the next topic, let's have an interim report on that and so on.
This is a large study. It encompasses a variety of important topics for me, my constituents, you and yours. Let's make sure that the witnesses we bring in, their testimonies, their requests and the questions that we are asking are reflected and reported in a timely manner without impeding, interrupting or delaying the following topics. We're all professionals here, and I trust that we can work together to find a solution to move this forward.
Thank you, Mr. Chair.