There are long-term capital investments needed to solve this. What there needs to be are contracts made with suppliers like Lonza, Fujifilm and Emergent that have the equipment and technology and that indeed are making vaccines for the companies you've heard of, like Moderna and AstraZeneca. Let's just amp that up.
The third point is, where is Canada's mass vaccination campaign? It's so scattershot right now. There's no plan for a national vaccination campaign once we have sufficient vaccines, and that, to me, is just a tragic failure. To put it in context, in 2014, Bangladesh, one of the poorest countries in the world, vaccinated 52 million kids in just three weeks. That's more than the population of Canada.
In 1947—old technology—New York City vaccinated five million people for smallpox in two weeks. These large vaccination campaigns are able to be done even in the world's poorest places. They happen regularly. That model of organization is one that should be considered for Canada, such that perhaps in the summer or in the fall, if there is an abundance of vaccines, they could be delivered campaign-style to millions of people within a week.
Any one of these three topics I've discussed—the transparency, the manufacturing, the campaign—I could talk about for an hour. I won't. I'll stop here and I'll invite your questions on those three or anything else within my expertise that you need to know.