Thank you.
This has been another interesting debate. I wanted to comment, in no particular order, on the motion that was moved by Ms. Rempel Garner. To me, it addressed the very problems that were identified by the Liberals in the last meeting.
At the last meeting, I distinctly heard Liberals say that they were concerned that the motion wasn't inclusive. I heard Liberals say that they didn't like the long itemized list. They felt it was too prescriptive. I heard Liberals say they didn't include important issues that they wanted to study, like mental health or live-in care.
The motion that was moved this morning addresses every one of those. It eliminates the list that was so troubling to my Liberal colleagues at the last meeting. It is explicitly inclusive, without being prescriptive. It is fair in the sense that it allocates witnesses. It allows all parties to submit witnesses that reflect their own particular interests. I think I can speak for all of us in saying that I haven't heard any member of this committee say that they're not interested in the issues of mental health, live-in care, the federal health transfer or vaccine development.
It brings me to this. I'm hoping I can stimulate some violent agreement here. First, I hear us saying that we all want to study COVID. I think we should. Let's face it: There are ten thousand issues in health, and many of them are extremely important. This is not to deny the importance of any other issue that we could be looking at, but we are in the middle of the second wave of a global pandemic, and I don't even need to speak about this. I hope my colleagues all agree that the number one public health issue on a national basis in this country right now is COVID. I think we all should and can agree that we should be studying COVID.
Second, I think we should all agree that we should adopt the evidence that we heard in the first session. From January, February and all the way through to July, we heard a lot of excellent testimony.
Third, I think we should agree that we don't want to till well-tilled ground or go over things that we've covered in depth. Rather, I think we can agree that we can and should focus our inquiry on issues that are really important now. I said this in the last meeting and I'll say it again: It's October of 2020, and we are in a different position than we were in March when this was brand new and so much was unknown. We know a lot more now, but there's a lot more to be known, for sure, and we should be able to focus our inquiry. To that end, I appreciate Ms. Rempel Garner's amendment to this motion that allows us to submit witnesses that reflect that.
Ms. Sidhu wants to focus on long-term care. She can put witnesses in to that end. Mr. Van Bynen wants to focus on mental health. He can submit witnesses on mental health. I'd like to understand where we're at in vaccines. I'll submit that. Mr. Thériault wants to submit witnesses on the impact of federal transfer payments on the provinces. He can submit witnesses on that. These are areas we can focus on.
Finally, I think we can agree on a fair allocation of witnesses. I was very proud of this committee. We've operated very collegially over the last—in my experience—five years, and particularly over the last year. We were all putting in an equal number of witnesses. We got a really broad sampling of excellent witnesses that way. On the motion, as far as the study goes, when I listen to each one of my colleagues, I think we all agree on those broad points, but there's obviously a sticking point on the production issue.
I've been in Parliament for 12 years. I can say without too much cynicism that those in government don't like it. Those in opposition do. I have yet to see a government that is enthusiastic about producing documents for the opposition. For the opposition, of course, this is an effective tool to get information.
I hope that we can find common ground. When I listen to my Liberal colleagues, I don't hear them say that they're opposed to production; I hear that we should delay it a little bit. Some say that we should target it.
I must say two things. One is that when we talk about transparency, the argument is that it's very important, but we just can't do it. That is a fallacy. I hear in the arguments that we're very much committed to it, but there's always a reason we just can't do it now.
Frankly, transparency is important at all times. Arguably, transparency is more important at times of great political importance. Transparency isn't something that happens when we don't have an important issue before us. It should be something that happens all the time. If I take the Prime Minister at his word, he's on record as saying that repeatedly.
Second, I categorically reject the argument that we don't have any time for transparency. That argument is that we really want to be transparent, but we just can't burden our civil servants with it because they don't have the time. That's a fallacy as well. Our civil servants are always working, I would hope. They're always working on important issues.
The key is this: Is there a way for us to find a middle ground on this, where we can hone this motion to get the government to produce documents for the opposition that are targeted, surgical, useful, informative and revealing?
Committees do play an important role in Parliament. When Prime Minister Trudeau was elected in 2015, the Liberals recognized this. I will take one little shot at my Conservative colleagues. When they were in government, they did not treat committees in this way. They were controlled by the PMO. There was no real production. They did not treat committees with the respect for their independence that I think should have been the case.
The Liberals said that they were going to change that. At committees, we have a number of important rules. One is we have a historic constitutional and parliamentary power to order production of documents. The reason for that is that one of our functions, besides reviewing legislation and studying issues, is to serve as an accountability body. If we're not getting documents from the government to double-check their political claims, who is?
I want to hear from my Liberal colleagues who say they believe in transparency and who say they believe in production, but who say that this motion is too broad or otherwise unacceptable. I want to see them draft their proposed production, instead of rhetorically....
Let's face it: The Liberals are filibustering this committee. They are talking this out. When Ms. Rempel Garner has gone through the trouble of drafting her motion and putting it out for debate, but it's too broad and they believe in transparency production, they should propose their amendments for the rest of the committee members to see. What are they willing to produce, if anything? All I hear is a lot of general commitment to production and not a word about how they'll do it.
I want to say one thing about Mr. Kelloway's comment. Having witnesses come before a committee and asking them to bring documents can be helpful, I agree, but that is not a substitute for the production request that is before us now. We're talking about documents that are exclusively within the control of the government. Witnesses don't just come bearing documents that way. We're talking about a discrete power of this committee to target documents.
I will sum up by asking if we can agree on this. Can we agree that this committee will study COVID, that we will adopt the evidence from last session and that we will roll up our sleeves and focus on the important issues that we can reach consensus on? Can we agree on a fair allocation of witnesses?
I'll ask the Liberals to draft what they think is a helpful production order so that we can see how far they're willing to go and whether we can find a common ground on the production of documents.
I fear that if we don't do this, this issue will be resolved in a much more blunt way. It won't be done by the consensus, collegiality and agreement that I think has typified this committee up until now.
Those are my comments.
Thanks for listening, colleagues.