Thank you.
What would be helpful for me would be to lay before the committee what all the options are, and then we could select the best option. The trouble with doing it one at a time is that we're not quite sure what the alternatives are. What I'm hearing now is that these are the alternatives: We can have an extra hour on Monday after our meeting, we could have two hours after the minister appears on Friday, or we could schedule a two-hour meeting the following break week virtually any time, say Monday.
I really think the best way to approach this is for us to take a straw poll as to which of those options is the best. I know Michelle was quite passionate about having it next week for sure. If we're okay with it being on Friday, I don't think it does a great deal of violence to the concept to have it the following Monday. I'm okay with either Friday or Monday. I kind of prefer having it on the break week, slightly, because it saves us a four-hour meeting at the end of a very busy week next week, if it's tacked on to a meeting. It gives us a bit of breathing space.
The other thing.... I don't want to muddy the waters too much, but I'm interested in Marcus's comments about Johnson & Johnson. I'm wondering if there may even be some consideration to folding them in and having them appear as well. If we had this meeting the following Monday—I don't want to get too far afield here and maybe it's unhelpful to complicate it—that would give us a little bit of time to invite them. But maybe we'd better not do that. It will just complicate things.
Basically, to me it's either Friday for two hours or Monday. I think we should try to find out from our colleagues as to the will of the majority.