Mr. Thériault, I'll answer you as best I can.
First, we're dealing with a virus that will persist. In other words, because the coronavirus has a non-human reservoir, it won't necessarily be eradicated. We'll probably have to live with the virus for a long time. This is different from smallpox, which was eradicated in 1977 through global vaccination.
We'll also be facing a situation where we'll need to administer flu-like vaccines on a regular basis. It's possible that we'll need to vaccinate people every year or two, worldwide, to protect them from new variants.
You must also understand that the variants aren't necessarily unexpected. The variants are a way for the virus to adapt to humans and to improve itself, so to speak. A variant isn't necessarily worse. We don't see all the failed variants. It's a bit like a cake. We don't see all the failed recipes, only the successful ones. This is somewhat the case with variants, which show the adaptability of the virus.
Obviously, the World Health Organization, like many large organizations, dropped the ball somewhat. The World Health Organization is subject to all sorts of political pressure. At first, the information on the extent of the pandemic wasn't very clear and straightforward, including the information on what happened in China. Later on, we learned a bit about the extent of the pandemic. From a purely technical perspective, we received information about the sequence of the virus from Australia, where a laboratory isolated the virus using people who had come from China. We can't rely too much on international organizations to show complete transparency, since the states that make up these organizations aren't transparent.
In Canada and Quebec, we must protect ourselves so that we have the pieces in place to protect our population as best we can under the circumstances. Of course, we can work with other countries. We must do so when we don't have the capacity to produce vaccines, for example.
For Canada, we must have a strong detection system. For example, we have a very good system of provincial laboratories. We also have, in Winnipeg, a national laboratory whose capabilities are world-renowned. However, in Canada, we must develop some sort of external warning and monitoring system to quickly identify threats and implement measures to counter them.
We're told that we must build the plane as we fly. I think that everyone agrees that, at the start of the pandemic, we were caught off guard on all fronts when it came to implementing measures to deal with the virus effectively.
We could discuss this matter at length. Let's just say that we'll need Canadian vaccine development and production capacity to meet the needs of the entire population. On a practical level, we're in a global competition. Both states and the European Union, which is a group of states, want to keep vaccines for themselves. China and India also manufacture their own vaccines.
In addition, there are geostrategic considerations involved in this situation, such as giving vaccines to poor countries when the vaccines are likely being used as a bargaining chip.
In Canada, where we have the expertise, we certainly have no choice but to produce these vaccines. We could do so together with other countries.