As I tried to explain earlier, there are several pieces of data to consider when looking at the effectiveness of the AstraZeneca vaccine. For example, in groups of 600 to 700 patients aged 65 and over that included a placebo group and a vaccine group, there were no hospitalizations among the vaccinated individuals and eight hospitalizations among the non-vaccinated individuals.
When we look at the efficacy of a vaccine, we take into account different factors, such as the prevention of asymptomatic infection and the prevention of symptomatic infection. Most of the efficacy data discussed so far today concerned efficacy against symptomatic infection.
Then there's the efficacy against hospitalization and death. This is a significant aspect of vaccine efficacy. In the case of the AstraZeneca vaccine, not only the clinical trial data, but also the real-world efficacy data have shown that the vaccine prevents and significantly decreases severe and serious cases, such as the cases that clog hospitals and cause deaths.