Mr. Chair, we had an interpretation issue.
Personally, I take comfort in the fact that NACI is not complacent, that it renders opinions based on the science available to it, and that it may not be what we would like to hear. I am perfectly fine with that.
The Public Health Agency of Canada, on the other hand, must ensure that there is buy-in for the message. For the public to buy in, you need their confidence. So we are in a vaccination situation where we have no choice. We are told to take whatever they say we should take.
Ms. Elmslie, don't you feel a little uneasy that 300,000 doses of AstraZeneca's vaccine to come are expired?
Moreover, because of its adverse effects, some countries have decided to stop administering it until more light is shed on the matter. Do you not feel uneasy about that?
Isn't it unusual to receive 300,000 doses of a vaccine that will expire in under a month?