Thank you [Technical difficulty—Editor].
I do not oppose Mr. d'Entremont's amendment, but would remind committee members that the CRA is an arm's-length agency for a reason. [Technical difficulty—Editor] to be dictating this type of decision.
I do not believe that DTC regulations mention any specific disease or condition. My understanding of DTC is that it is meant to help people with a disability that impairs their ability to work or takes a lot of time to manage, like significant physiotherapy. Not all individuals with diabetes meet this threshold.
Regardless of whether an individual is eligible for the DTC, tax relief for medical expenses, such as the cost of insulin, insulin pumps and other supplies, may be available through the medical expense tax credit, with additional support for low-income working Canadians provided through the refundable medical expense supplement.
Diabetes can be expensive for some people to manage. I know that personally. As providers of health care, it should be the provinces that help to fill that gap. That is why government will need to work closely with the provinces and territories to ensure there is clarity about what each level of government is responsible for and that they are putting resources into the right program.
I once again thank Mr. d'Entremont for his input and feedback.