Thanks, Mr. McKinnon, and thank you very much to the committee.
I'll be as quick as I can to work through the statement.
I want to thank you all for all this work that you're doing in this difficult time, and it is a difficult time. Although we're not through COVID-19 yet, we will be soon, we hope, and it's because of work like yours and the people in the front trenches that we'll get there. However, now is a time to plan our reopening and what Canada's health care system and our country will look like after COVID-19.
As many of you know, imaging, radiology and high technology are the centrepiece of a medical system in the 21st century. Every branch of medical care in Canada and worldwide is reliant on a comprehensive radiology imaging program to look after our preventive care and our active care. We are the single most important infrastructure investment in the health care system. Much like roads, bridges, seaports and airports are to our transportation networks, we are an investment and not a cost centre.
I'd like to share some observations from COVID-19 and some of the effects.
Initially, imaging wait times because of COVID-19 left hundreds of thousands of people in the long wait-list that was already quite long. We have found there's probably been about a 50% reduction in medical imaging and screening services, non-urgent ones in particular, that we've neglected because of COVID-19, through no fault of anybody. It's just a fact of the matter. Cancer doesn't wait for COVID. It's created a real sense of urgency and caused an overwhelming backlog in medical imaging services from coast to coast.
Before the pandemic, patients in Canada were waiting an average of 50 to 82 days for CAT scanning and 89 days for MRI. These are between 20 and 52 days longer than recommended from the OECD wait-lists, and because of the COVID-19 impact, the wait-lists are even longer. This is especially concerning for cancer patients, for breast screening and colorectal screening, and just diagnostic screening for people who are waiting at home and afraid to go to the hospital because of the first wave, second wave, and now the third wave.
I've spoken to the committee about an initial case that came through our hospital here in Saint John, New Brunswick, where I have practised for 30 years. I can remember when a young man in his 30s came in about six or eight weeks after his initial symptoms and found out he had a high-grade glioblastoma. He was too afraid to come in because of COVID, so he waited for his treatment. By the time he came in, he had a high-grade glioblastoma. It was a late intervention, and he did not do well, needless to say. That was concerning.
We have a lot of patients who present at the emergency room with obstructions of their bowel, colon obstruction. They have rectal bleeding, but they're afraid to go to the hospital. We see that, unfortunately, every day.
The Maritimes hasn't been as impacted as the rest of Canada, but I can assure you that nationally we're hearing stories on a daily basis from our colleagues from coast to coast. We had a recent report from the CMA about clearing the backlog and the cost to return to wait times at pre-pandemic levels.
Wait-time delays do cause an additional economic cost to the system. Waiting 52 days for an MRI scan costs our health care and economic system approximately $377 million a year. CT scans, waiting 33 days, cost us approximately $377 million on a yearly basis. According to Deloitte, the procedures that have the highest funding requirements are MRI and CT scans. They make up about 75% of all procedures across Canada.
That gets to our point and is close to our ask. I've spoken to a number of you before in person and on Zoom about The Conference Board of Canada report published in 2019, which talks about how far behind Canada is in capital equipment. We're by far the worst off, with 75% of our capital equipment being almost at end of life. We've had the request on the table to all parties for an immediate commitment of $1.5 billion over the next five years. That was a pre-COVID ask. That was an attempt to bring our national wait-list to a more acceptable standard. There are still many patients waiting for months and unable to work. We have estimates from The Conference Board that the cost to the economy was upwards of $5 billion in 2020.
Our response to COVID-19 has been fast and rapid, based on our being able to pivot and change our health care. We're already very virtual in radiology, as many of you know, but it's imperative that the diagnosis of injury, chronic illness in particular, and acute illnesses not wait. We have actually pivoted very quickly in of our ability to work at home when the time came, as well as in the hospital, to get our wait-list in order, but we still continue to fall behind.
There are many technical requests that go into this ask, which include artificial intelligence and new updated equipment to make our turnaround times faster and enable us to address this tremendous backlog.
In closing this part of it, the CAR is asking for $1.5 billion over the next five years to support Canadians, ensure capacity and integrate technology such as AI to help run the system more efficiently. This is an investment, not a cost. It will get people back to work, look after our sick people and chronically ill people, and get our cancer screening back to what it should be and beyond.
It is not unprecedented for the federal government to take charge in this. As many of you know, there was a targeted investment in 2005 and 2006 by the Paul Martin government. It put $2 billion into equipment targeted for imaging and reduced our wait times significantly. I think a number of you have seen our radiology report from The Conference Board showing the impact of that investment, which really has tapered off since 2013. Now we're back to where we were in 2004 and 2005.
Our second ask is to strike a federal task force to look at the health human resources and infrastructure components, such as waiting rooms, workspace, air ventilation and consulting areas to support new equipment, because we'll have to be much better prepared in the way we practise medicine in 2021 in a post-COVID world with a possible further pandemic .
That's it, Mr. Chair. I could go on forever, but I'm available for questions. I'll stand by for questions.