The most recent closure, I believe, is having a cumulative effect on students. With the first closure, there were some students who resisted and stayed in the system, but some left. The second time a few more left the system. At this point, I believe—as with teachers in the system—they're tired. They're tired of the promise of being back in school versus looking forward and seeing an actual end to this.
I see the summer coming and the weather changing, and especially since in high school we have the quadmesters—and there's a quadmester starting next week—I'm concerned that this may be an easy exit, as I was saying, for a lot of students to kind of disengage or leave school in the upcoming weeks.
So every day counts. Every day we're going to lose 100 to 1,000 kids as they feel less engaged and less connected to what they formerly knew as school, family and community.