This is a great mystery that we have to get to the heart of, and I hope, as Ms. Rempel suggested, that there will really be a serious, across-the-board, lessons-learned exercise. I haven't seen any sign that it's going to take place yet. We've had ad hoc efforts to learn some lessons.
At the heart of it, I think there was a systemic failure. We didn't have the structures in place to deal with the information that was coming to us.
Secondly, there was a failure of imagination. Those of you who are familiar with the 9-11 commission report out of the United States will recognize that term. It is that we knew, and should have known, that pandemics could hit us and could hit us hard. We knew that, but we didn't believe it.
Now, why is that? That gap, that failure of imagination, is a profound issue that somehow needs to be addressed going forward.