I can't speak to the worldwide situation. I can say that most public health institutes worldwide have public health doctors or public health professionals in charge.
I agree that there is a move to more bureaucratic...or non-experts. I think, in part, it's because the advice of a doctor is hopefully going to be driven by health, whereas the advice of a bureaucrat can be balanced with politics. We have the example in Canada. There was a change made in 2014 that demoted the CPHO and promoted a bureaucrat to the head of that organization, and we've seen the impact throughout the Public Health Agency of Canada, where science is devalued and there is an inability to brief with complexity because the people you are trying to brief don't have any training in public health.
There are lots of examples worldwide. We could have an academic conversation, but we could also have a specific conversation about the impact of the decisions that both the Harper and the Trudeau governments made around the Public Health Agency of Canada Act, and say, “This is why we're in this situation.”