Mr. Chair, there is tremendous anxiety amongst Canadians generally with respect to vaccination. For the most part people want to get vaccinated and want to get two rounds as recommended by the manufacturer. People are taking information from all kinds of sources. We found that it was important to manage those expectations relative to the supply of vaccines. We're not alone in the world. Vaccine shortages are even more chronic in some jurisdictions in the world. We had to make clear to our residents what we are able to control and what is controlled outside of our jurisdiction. We have clearly set out the role of the Government of Canada, the role of the Province of Ontario, the role of our municipalities, and frankly the role as well of the community, because the community has to be responsible, and we've had some wonderful responses. Two of our mass vaccination clinics are run by community practitioners, so it's a great sign when everybody comes together to not only manage expectations but also provide the best possible service in getting vaccinations into arms.