Dr. Hotez, I spoke to you almost a year ago on convalescent serums. Sir, I don't know if you remember. I didn't know then that you were one of the authors of the bible. I've worked a lot of years in tropical countries and before I go, I always buy the most up-to-date Manson's Tropical Diseases, so I'm really impressed.
I think convalescent serum has been largely replaced by monoclonal antibodies. My understanding is that the United States National Institutes of Health now strongly recommends that these be used by high-risk people early in the disease. In the United States, if you get sick and you're high risk, you go to a website and the government directs you to where to go for your treatment.
In Canada, basically we don't use monoclonals. First, I want to get your opinion on that. Second, your government nicely surprised me, anyhow, with the Biden announcement that it would back the WTO waiver on intellectual property rights related to COVID. What is your response to that? Do you think it will work, and if you can answer quickly enough, I would like to also get Dr. Bogoch's response to both those questions.