The whole-of-government needs to be there. I did reference that in my opening comments.
At the moment, the PMPRB is within the Health umbrella, and everything we do has been put over to Health. Whenever we write to another department, it is sent over to Health, so we're stuck with a struggle between dealing with the cost containment debate with Health Canada, and on the other side with ISED—Innovation, Science and Economic Development Canada. We have a wonderful report that was done in 2018 by HBEST, the health and biosciences economic strategy table. We have a more recent one done a few months ago by the Industry Strategy Council. All of these promote the life sciences as an economic driver for the health and well-being of Canadians.
We're struggling as an industry. We're working very positively with Minister Champagne and have over the years with others, like Minister Bains, to try to encourage investment to come to Canada, but the cost containment policies really make it difficult for our CEOs to compete at the global level.