We will now resume the meeting.
Welcome back to meeting number 41 of the House of Commons Standing Committee on Health. The committee is meeting today to study the Patented Medicine Prices Review Board guidelines.
I'd like to introduce the witnesses at this point. From Innovative Medicines Canada, we have Pamela Fralick, president, and Declan Hamill, vice-president, legal, regulatory affairs and compliance. From the Institute of Health Economics we have Dr. Christopher McCabe, chief executive officer and executive director. From the Liv-A-Little Foundation, we have Erin Little, president, and J. Scott Weese, professor.
I will now invite the witnesses to present their statements.
Just as a matter of procedure, when you're nearing the end of your time I'll display a yellow card and when your time is up I'll display a red card. When you see the red card, you don't have to stop instantly, but do try to wrap up.
Thank you very much.
With that, we will go to Innovative Medicines Canada for six minutes.
Please go ahead, Ms. Fralick, I presume.