I'm going to squeeze in one more question.
There's clearly a disparity in prices. Obviously, the pharmaceutical companies, I will just posit, as the monopoly sellers of the product, have an interest in keeping it secret. I don't know if the customer does.
The analysis you published in Transparency International said that upper middle-income economies, such as South Africa, paid an average 25% more per dose than high-income economies like the European Union. This committee saw in a document, which fortunately was unredacted at first, that there was quite a disparity in what various jurisdictions paid for AstraZeneca. In fact, Canada actually paid among the highest prices, significantly higher than what the EU, South Africa and other countries paid, which kind of belies the argument that we would have been paying a lower price in order to keep it secret.
How do you explain this pricing disparity? Is keeping this whole thing secret just something that benefits the pharmaceutical industry as opposed to customers in the end?